Community Development

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Origins of CRA-ED / LRRP Collaboration

In 2021, CRA-ED was selected to participated in the Massachusetts Local Rapid Recovery Plan Program (LRRP). LRRP was developed to provide every municipality in Massachusetts the opportunity to create actionable, project-based recovery plans tailored to the unique economic challenges and COVID-19 related impacts to downtowns, town centers, and commercial areas across the commonwealth. After provide our insights in two lecture series, CRA-ED was paired with several communities to deliver on the LRRP mission.

Learn more about LRRP
Read the CRA-ED Analysis

Impact Case Study

Town of Belchertown

Deliverable: Evaluated the “Space Making” concept for the city, in order to create more profitable and engaging events for their community.

Impact Case Study

Town of Eastham 

Deliverable: Created a project plan outlining the development of custom municipal software to facilitate permitting. Additionally, started the process of requirement gathering for a customer commerce empowerment website.

Impact Case Study

Town of Walpole

Deliverable: Provided insights in leveraging various technologies to bolster their small business community, both to lower operational expenses, maximize promotions, and better serve customers.

Impact Case Study

Town of Pittsfield

Deliverable: Developed an action plan centered around increasing local retail and restaurant’s capacity for digital engagement and eCommerce.